The solution of business problems, different in scale, level of complexity and specificity, requires a qualified and flexible approach. It is impossible to be an expert in everything – every area of activity needs professional, deep and wide-ranging analysis. This requires experienced, knowledgeable and thinking professionals. Sergey Fomenkov attracts such employees for his projects.
His team is not engaged in theoretical research and paperwork. There is no need to create multi-page instructions and forms when the situation requires urgent changes here and now. It makes no sense to tell the paramedics what their qualifications are and how many modern medicines they have brought with them – they need to solve the problem in real time. This is how the team’s specialists work, helping those who are interested in continuous development and improvement.
The team offers companies and managers:
- new, most effective and simple management methods;
- optimization and planning of business processes;
- changing the structure of the company and implementing the latest business practices;
- launch, development and reorganization of large-scale projects;
- urgent assistance to enterprises in a crisis situation or caught in a long period of stagnation;
- development of a new strategy to optimize resources and increase profitability;
- enter new markets and scale your business.
If you do not know how to work in an ever-changing economic environment, if competitors bypass you in the most important areas, if the company’s profits fall, and valuable employees leave, then it is time to change. The pursuit of stability and peace in business is the path to ruin. Only those who are ready to change and change the surrounding reality win.
Sergey Fomenkov’s team are not consultants and advisers, they are people who solve specific tasks. The experience of the head speaks for itself – Fomenkov has the largest business projects that have proven successful in a changing world: MTS, Internet hypermarket “Platypus”, Get, “Technosila”, “Euroset”, APH “Ecoculture”. One of the secrets of success is the ability to quickly form a combat-ready team.
If you need bold decisions, innovative approach and concrete results, work with practitioners and professionals. In business, the result is not theoretical training, but the ability to competently and decisively act in practice.
Who controls the changes – he controls the world!